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  • Houseplants & Cats: 5 hacks for a stress free indoor jungle

    Houseplants and pets don`t always go together, for many reasons: from curiosity to playfulness and even boredom, sometimes our fur babies can consider our plants fun toys that enrich their interest.  This is especially true when it comes to cats. Being natural-born predators, frisky playful cats that hunt down everything that wiggles indulge in their favorite activity of playful pouncing, or in this case, chew or scratch our indoor plants. This…


     A brief lesson in botanical chemistry #PART 1 As discussed in previous articles, there are a number of toxic principles that can be found in common houseplants, which have various side effects on our pet’s overall health. This is because just like other living organisms, plants have adapted to protect themselves from any kind of environmental threat. While some do not possess a great threat to anybody, some do, therefore…

  • Apartment gardening and houseplant toxicology

    An overview When it comes to apartment gardening we have a couple of things to consider regarding the plants that can actually thrive indoors. From lighting to proper air flow and humidity, not all plants can survive in our closed environment. Balancing this with being a responsible caregiver to our fluffy family members, things can get a little bit tricky. Because unknowingly to us, not all plants are safe for…