My Story

My name is Chris. I am a gardening enthusiast and fluff mommy of one (as in cat) with a background in applied ethics and philosophy. My passion and love for plants and animals started from childhood, as I grew up in the countryside, close to nature, on my grandparents’ farm.

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“Of Greens and Fluff” is dedicated to pet friendly apartment gardening – where I hope to share my knowledge on how to stay in tune with nature in a small apartment, so I focus on gardening indoors, but I also share some tips on how to get some temperate plants thrive indoors. The topics featured here are educational ones, focused on the care of numerous plant varieties that are pet friendly, while taking up the different challenges of gardening in a small apartment type setup. Join me on the fun as we simplify topics such as houseplant toxicology, to better educate ourselves and on common household plants that are not so pet friendly, share tips on how to pet proof our homes to better suit our four-legged friends in ways that keep our pets and plants happy under one roof, learn how to care for numerous plant species and varieties suited for beginners and advanced growers and build fun DIY projects.

My hope is that we’ll either be inspired by or learn from one another on how to be better fluff parents while keeping in tune with nature in our very own urban jungles.