5 Stylish ferns you cannot kill

If you are a houseplant enthusiast, you may have considered adding a fern or two or five to your collection. And why not! they are a magnificent class of vascular plants and it`s no surprise that their ancient heritage (dating back as old as the ‘Carboniferous period’) and diverse design enchant many of us. Perhaps too much. For, you see, while beautiful and ethereal in their visage, the majority of ferns available in most garden centers are of tropical rainforests origin. This is because, geographically speaking, ferns are most abundant in the tropics, with some families being almost exclusively tropical (e.g., Marattiaceae, Gleicheniaceae, Schizaeaceae, Cyatheaceae, Blechnaceae, and Davalliaceae).

So before you scoop up that maidenhair fern, make sure you look up its care and requirements before bringing it home. This is prudent with any plant but especially important when dealing with moisture-loving, high humidity dependent, fussy ferns. Ask yourself if you are willing to reproduce the rainforest conditions required to grow this type of fern in your home successfully. If the answer is yes and you intend to construct a fernery, artificially duplicating the wet, humid and moist microclimate they are accustomed to, then by all means. 

But if you are just getting into ferns and want something stylish and less prone to fits of melodrama here are some suggestions of elegant ferns you cannot kill.



Now when I say you cannot kill I do not mean you should abandon its care entirely, but that it won’t immediately incinerate into dust as soon as you bring it into your home.  These are the ferns that I personally have found to not only be tolerant to low humidity (40% or lower) but also very forgiving if you go a couple of days past its watering day.


1.Staghorn fern (Platycerium bifurcatum)

The staghorn fern (genus Platycerium) needs no introduction. A breathtaking plant in its unique appearance, having repeatedly forked leaves, hence the name staghorn, it has always been popular. Thanks to its epiphytic nature it is often displayed mounted on a board and hung on a wall. Their care is remarkably easy, however, I will recommend that before you mount your newly acquired staghorn fern that you give it some breathing room to adjust to your environment.

  • Light: Bright indirect light but can be acclimatized to full sun depending on your environment, or in my case, a grow light
  • Water: Water when the topsoil or moss has dried out, When in doubt, use a moisture meter.
  • Humidity: Will tolerate low humidity beautifully.



A fern with leaves that resemble the crocodile skin. Enough said, I for one, was sold. I just could not believe that such a thing existed. I was even more thrilled when I realized just how low maintenance this fern is.

  • Light: Bright indirect light.
  • Water: Loves water but will forgive you if you forget here and there. I recommend a glazed ceramic or plastic pot, something that retains moisture.
  • Humidity: Somewhere between 40-60%. Will tolerate low humidity.



A quicky cultivar of the species Asplenium nidus, this ruffled gem has been a staple in my collection just because she is so damn easy to please. An important side note is that when this plant is thirsty it losses its vibrant coloration which takes the guesswork out of when we should water.

  • Light: Best keep away from direct light since ferns can scorch; a north-facing window or a shaded area of your house should be fine.
  • Water: Keep moist! When in doubt, use a moisture meter. If you are negligent with your watering a Hydrospike is an affordable solution to that problem.
  • Humidity: Will tolerate low humidity beautifully.


4. Davallia fejeensis -Rabbit’s Foot Fern

The Davallia Fern or as it is also called the deer’s foot fern, hare’s foot fern, rabbit foot fern, with its furry rhizomes that resemble a tarantula, is a beautiful and dare I say traditional-looking fern, maybe  This type of fern is also epiphytic and loves to attach itself to trees, so while forgiving in nature make sure that the feet do not dry out hence killing the fern.

General care guide:

  • Light: Best keep away from direct light since ferns can scorch; a north-facing window or a shaded area of your house should be fine.
  • Water: Keep moist! When in doubt, use a moisture meter. If you are negligent with your watering a Hydrospike is an affordable solution to that problem.
  • Humidity: Somewhere between 50-60%.


5. Asplenium antiquum

Can you tell I love bird-nest ferns.? Because I truly do, and with so many options how can I resist? Asplenium antiquum is one of them and I find myself captivated with it. Just as elegant as the Crispy wave but less ruffled 😀 more mature and refined in its design.

  • Light: Best keep away from direct light since ferns can scorch; a north-facing window or a shaded area of your house should be fine.
  • Water: Keep moist! When in doubt, use a moisture meter. If you are negligent with your watering a Hydrospike is an affordable solution to that problem.
  • Humidity: Will tolerate low humidity beautifully.



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